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Gait & Movement Analysis

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The clinical service of the Pathokinesiology Laboratory provides a detailed analysis of an individual’s functional limitations during walking and other activities of daily living using state of the art technology. The Pathokinesiology Laboratory is equipped to study a wide variety of activities including walking, running, stair climbing, ramp walking, bicycling, and arm function during wheelchair propulsion, crutch walking, walker use, self-care activities, and reach and grasping function in the arm and hand.


Physicians and other clinicians refer their patients to the Pathokinesiology Laboratory to obtain a detailed evaluation of each patient’s function as well as recommendations for therapeutic and surgical interventions. The information provided by an evaluation at the Pathokinesiology Laboratory can be used to:

  • Identify which muscles/structures are contributing to the patient’s functional limitations.

  • Determine whether a non-invasive therapeutic program would be indicated to optimize the patient’s function such as bracing or orthotic support, assistive devices, and muscle strengthening by exercise or electrical stimulation.

  • Determine if a patient would benefit from constructive surgery,

  • Delineate what surgery should be performed,

  • Prevent inappropriate surgeries.


This detailed and data-driven approach maximizes patients’ outcomes and minimizes complications, unsuccessful surgeries, and multiple procedures.

Created by the Pathokinesiology Lab for the Southern California Spinal Cord Injury Model System. This website is supported by the Administration of Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award (NIDILRR Grant 90SIMS004) with funding by ACL/HHS and The Craig Neilsen Foundation (Grant #641474). The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by ACL/HHS, the U.S. Government, or other funding sources.

©2022 by The Pathokinesiology Lab at Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center.

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