Gait & Movement Analysis
The clinical service of the Pathokinesiology Laboratory provides a detailed analysis of an individual’s functional limitations during walking and other activities of daily living using state of the art technology. The Pathokinesiology Laboratory is equipped to study a wide variety of activities including walking, running, stair climbing, ramp walking, bicycling, and arm function during wheelchair propulsion, crutch walking, walker use, self-care activities, and reach and grasping function in the arm and hand.
Physicians and other clinicians refer their patients to the Pathokinesiology Laboratory to obtain a detailed evaluation of each patient’s function as well as recommendations for therapeutic and surgical interventions. The information provided by an evaluation at the Pathokinesiology Laboratory can be used to:
Identify which muscles/structures are contributing to the patient’s functional limitations.
Determine whether a non-invasive therapeutic program would be indicated to optimize the patient’s function such as bracing or orthotic support, assistive devices, and muscle strengthening by exercise or electrical stimulation.
Determine if a patient would benefit from constructive surgery,
Delineate what surgery should be performed,
Prevent inappropriate surgeries.
This detailed and data-driven approach maximizes patients’ outcomes and minimizes complications, unsuccessful surgeries, and multiple procedures.